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Connor Grauel
Associate Analyst of REGAL-FIG

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Connor Grauel is a sophomore majoring in Finance and Accounting with an IST minor from Harrisburg, PA. He joined Leveraged Lion Capital in the spring of 2024 and currently serves as an Associate Analyst in the REGAL-FIG Sector. Previously, he served as an Associate Analyst in the Media and Communications sector. Outside of LLC, Connor is involved in the Sapphire Leadership Academic Program, Nittany Markets Analysis Association, and acts as a THON Merchandise Captain. His interests include Star Wars, Marvel, spikeball, video production, Eagles, and amusement parks. Connor said that LLC has accelerated his professional maturity and development through its responsibilities, mentorship, and education. Being surrounded by motivated and hardworking mindsets is rewarding, and he looks forward to expanding his technical, market, and behavioral knowledge.

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