The Penn State Fixed Income Association

The Penn State Fixed Income Association, or PSFIA, is Leveraged Lion Capital’s feeder program for students interested in joining Leveraged Lion Capital. Students from University Park of any academic background are encouraged to attend sessions to learn more about careers on Wall Street and the complex world of credit investing. Educational sessions are led by the Executive Board, Director of PSFIA, and each sector throughout the course of a semester.
To become an active member of the Penn State Fixed Income Association, students are required to pay $25 in dues each semester. Due-paying members receive exclusive access to our canvas page which includes Wall Street interview guides, PSFIA educational presentations, LLC research reports, and contact information of all LLC Portfolio Managers.
Topics covered during the semester include but are not limited to:
Wall Street Careers
Fixed Income Investing
Capital Structure Arbitrage
Financial Accounting
Valuation Methodologies
Credit Agreement Analysis
Creating Market Outlooks
PSFIA serves in an educational capacity to students interested in Wall Street careers and/or personal investing. In addition to weekly GBM's, members are encouraged to interact with LLC Portfolio Managers at bonus sessions. These sessions provide opportunities to network, ask questions, and take on more responsibilities.

Get Involved!
Anyone interested in joining Leveraged Lion Capital should come out to PSFIA meetings on Tuesday evenings. Connect with friends, peers, and other students who are interested in fixed-income.
For any questions or concerns, contact our Director of PSFIA, Mike Aquilino and the Director of Outreach, Grace Manion.
Invest in YOU!
We often stress the importance of investing in PSFIA and LLC. It's crucial to recognize that you're essentially making a strategic investment in yourself.
This pursuit not only sets you up for a successful career post-undergrad but also provides a valuable opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals at Penn State. Finding your people within our community is an integral part of this journey. We practice what we preach and are here to help—don't hesitate to reach out to anyone in LLC if you need assistance.
Apply to WSBC!
Wall Street Boot Camp is a training program designed to prepare students who aspire to have careers in financial services. The program has been highly successful in serving dual purposes. It provides a true glimpse of the dedication and focus needed to succeed in a career on Wall Street. This preview allows for the candidate field to be narrowed to only the most aspiring individuals. Also, the program’s targeted approach ensures that students completing the program will be sufficiently prepared to utilize the Smeal network of volunteers.
Click here to learn more!